Theology of Play

This month’s theme is Play.

May’s theme is Play. What is play? This Sunday will be all about play: Games, imagination, and your inner child are most welcome.

This is a multi-generational worship service so children are invited to stay in the sanctuary. The nursery will … read more.

Sermon Raffle: Perseverance

This month’s theme is Play.

Rev. Otto offered up a Sermon topic in a raffle at the beginning of the year. Nathan Reynolds picked the topic of “Perseverance.” Nelson Mandela reminds us that “it always seems impossible until it’s done.” How can we persevere in these … read more.

The Heart of Unitarian Universalism

This month’s theme is Play.

Over the past several years, Unitarian Universalists all over the country have been examining what it is that makes us UUs. What they have come up with is a set of seven values, with love at the center that describe who … read more.

Living in the Unknown

This month’s theme is Play.

Join member Paul Kuttner for an examination of what it means to live in the unknown.

There will be an all-ages children’s chapel this week. Children ages 4 and older are invited to come first to the worship service before heading … read more.