The Heart of Unitarian Universalism

This month’s theme is Play.

Over the past several years, Unitarian Universalists all over the country have been examining what it is that makes us UUs. What they have come up with is a set of seven values, with love at the center that describe who we are and why we come together. Are you curious about what it means to be a UU? This is a great service to attend! We will also be welcoming new members.

Religious Education classes will be happening this week. Children ages 4 and older are invited to come first to the worship service, and younger children can head straight to the nursery. Childcare will be available in the nursery from 9:30-1:30, and all ages are always welcome there during events before or after the service.

No group music programming today.

This month, we are sharing our offering plate with Pink Haven.

Join us in person in the sanctuary or online on Zoom. Please fill out this form to get the link emailed to you in our weekly newsletter.