
In defense of “sorry!” Why (and when) apologizing is good and why you should do more of it. From a Rev. Otto, a chronic apologizer. Using examples from the Disney movie Encanto!

During this service we will dedicate Elena Nguyen-Quint, a new baby in our congregation. Help us celebrate this welcome this baby into our community and Unitarian Universalism!

This is a multi-generational worship service so children are invited to stay in the sanctuary. The nursery will be open from 10:15-1:15 for any children 6 and under who prefer to be there during the service (or any age for events before or after the service).

No group music programming today.

This month, we are sharing our offering plate with The Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki.

Join us in person in the sanctuary or online on Zoom. Please fill out this form to get the link.