Amaze me, America

As we endure yet another contentious election season, as we fret about the state of the world, as we think about what it means to live in this country in this time, is there any chance that we might be able still be able to be amazed by this country? Join us as we explore what it means to live in the United States of America in these times.

Religious Education classes will be happening this week. Children ages 4 and older are invited to come first to the worship service, and younger children can head straight to the nursery. Childcare will be available in the nursery from 10:15 – 1:15, and all ages are always welcome there during events before or after the service.

Children’s choir will meet before service at 9:45am and perform during service.

This month, we are sharing our offering plate with The Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki.

Join us in person in the sanctuary or online on Zoom. Please fill out this form to get the link.